Finding Shelter in her Arms – Extended Epilogue


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September, 1876

Had it really been two years? Troy walked out onto the porch of the ranch house, buttoning his vest as he did so. Boyd was seated in one of the rocking chairs gazing out over the fields that stretched to the right and left of the road that led up to the house.

He stood at the porch banister looking out. “I am still in awe as to how well the wheat has done this year. Kate, being a farmer’s daughter, had all the know how to make it happen, still for some reason I expected that the weather, or the soil wouldn’t be agreeable, but just look. It’s like a miracle seeing all this crop stretching in all directions.

“Remember when Kate put in that first crop of winter wheat for feed for the horses? Her vision was so clear. I’m just amazed at how it’s all come together.”

Boyd didn’t answer, only looked out over the fields still. Troy wondered if he should try to draw his friend out or if he should just let him be. He waited a moment. Still no response from Boyd.

“Uh, Boyd …”

Seeming to have heard this time, Boyd shook his head as if waking himself, and looked at Troy.

He smiled wanly. “Yeah? I’m sorry, did you say something, Troy.”

Troy grinned and went to where his friend sat. He leaned over and put both of his hands on Boyd’s shoulders. He looked directly into his friend’s eyes.

“Boyd, take a deep breath. Everything is going to be just fine. There’s not a thing to worry about. Do you hear me? Look at me, Boyd. What is it?” He felt Boyd’s shoulders relax somewhat.

Boyd grinned. “You’re right, Troy. I just wish the girls would all hurry up. I’d like to get to the church before sundown, if you know what I mean. How late are we?”

Troy took his watch from his vest pocket, looked at it, and laughed. “We have plenty of time. The ceremony isn’t until eleven o’clock. It’s just half-past nine. Come on.”

Where? Are we leaving now?”

“Uh, yes and no. We need to do one thing. Come with me.”

Boyd stood and followed Troy into the house. Troy led him to the parlor. He went to the small table in the corner and opened a decanter of bourbon. He poured two glasses and handed one to Boyd.

“Troy, it’s half-past nine. In the morning.”

“Yes, and you’ll be entering the time honored tradition of taking a nip of whiskey before the ceremony. Calms the nerves. Most men go out on the night before their wedding. I’ve been to ceremonies where the groom showed up smelling like a barroom! One little sip won’t hurt you and will be good for the nerves that ail you.”

Boyd laughed. “If you say so!”

They clinked their glasses together and drank.

“My goodness that’s smooth.”

“Yes, it is. It’s straight from Kentucky. I ordered it two months ago at Connolly’s, the day you told me you’d proposed to Claudia.”

“Troy? Boyd?”

The eyes of the two men met, and they hastily put their glasses down and fought to not burst out laughing.

“Troy? Are you in here, darling?” A heavily pregnant Kate peeked into the parlor. “What are you two up to?”

“Just taking the edge off of the nerves, dear.”

Kate started laughing. “Oh, you men. Now, let’s get going. We need to get a move on. I don’t want the baby to be fussy during the ceremony..

The men followed Kate back out to the porch where Lola waited with two-year-old baby Neil on her hip. They planned on meeting the Hendersons at the church. They’d taken to the baby as if he was their very own dear grandchild.

Troy kissed Kate on the cheek and took little Neil from Lola’s arms.

Lola went to her son and straightened his necktie. She smoothed the lapels of his jacket and reached up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m so proud of you, Boyd. And if your pa was here today, I know how proud he would be too.” She turned away and met Kate’s eyes, her own had tears in them.

It was true that she’d no longer be living with her son. He and his new wife would take the stone cabin. Lola would move in with Kate and Troy so she could help with the new baby when she came. They were all following Lola’s prediction that the height of Kate’s belly and the circles that Lola’s ring-on-a-string had made indicated a baby girl.

Boyd helped everyone into the covered coach they were taking. The ladies wore their finest church dresses. No one wanted to get to the church with dust all over them.

Within minutes, they were off, and they seemed to get into town quicker than ever before. That was due to all the building that was and had been going on in Ashridge since the spur line opened. The town limits were closer to the ranch. So close in fact that a year earlier Troy had expanded the ranch by buying up the land between his ranch and town. Effectively, there was only five miles between the outskirts of town and the new edge of the Kelley Ranch.

They passed by the old station where Kate had stepped off the train two years before. The new train station was situated more toward the center of town.

“Isn’t it wonderful and amazing how very much Ashridge has grown in the last two years?” Kate leaned to the window to see more of the new buildings that had gone up and the new businesses that had opened.

They all agreed that there had been nothing but good and happy changes in the town since the residents had been made joint owners of the spur line railway and the gold mine.

Within a few more minutes, they pulled up to the side of the church. Everyone disembarked, and the ladies took the baby and went inside to locate the Hendersons. Troy, as Boyd’s best man, took him up to the altar to wait for his bride.

They waited as the church filled up with their friends, and Boyd took his handkerchief from his pocket and mopped his brow.

“It will all be over soon, Boyd. There’s absolutely nothing to worry about,” Troy said quietly.

“Only that she might decide to not come to the church,” Boyd whispered back.

“Boyd. Claudia loves you very much. I’ve seen the two of you together on many occasions in the last year and a half. She’ll be here. I should have made you take two whiskeys.” He grinned.

Boyd gave him a half-smile and went back to watching the church door. Troy caught Kate’s eyes in the congregation, and they smiled at one another. A sweet and loving smile.

He was so happy that everything had finally worked out and in everyone’s favor. He didn’t know how it had happened, but there had been a night a little over a year before in which Boyd had asked Troy to meet him at Miss Lily’s, in town to have a beer.

It had been an enjoyable night, but Troy had known that something was on Boyd’s mind. His friend had seemed tense, and finally, after a few hands of poker with a group of Miss Lily’s regular patrons, he’d suggested they move to a table of their own.

In his mind’s eye he went back to the scene. Once he and Boyd had relocated to a smaller, private table, Troy had asked Boyd what was on his mind.

“What makes you think I have something on my mind, Troy?”

“Well, you wanted me to meet you for a beer. I got the impression you wanted to discuss something with me. You know, something important?”

“Oh. We just never have a beer anymore. I thought it might be nice, you know, to spend some time not talking about the ranch or the mine or the spur line.”

He’d grinned then, and in an instant, Troy had known something was up. Boyd did, indeed, want to discuss something with him or tell him something. But now that Boyd had gotten him to Miss Lily’s, it seemed that Boyd had grown tongue-tied.

Troy had waited a few minutes without saying a word, and finally, Boyd placed the palms of his hands on the tabletop.

“There’s something I need to tell you, and I hope you’ll be fine with it. I feel sure you will, but I need to know you … well … that you give me your blessing.”

“My blessing? Boyd … who is she? There can be only one reason for you to be asking me to give you the blessing your father would give you if he were alive.”

“Actually, even if my father was still with us, I would ask for your blessing. And I want you to know, Troy, that I would ask your blessing in any case. I mean no matter who it was.”

“No matter who it was? Boyd, I have to admit that I’m unable to follow what you’re saying. You’re talking in circles!”

“I’m sorry, Troy. But the truth of the matter is … well … I’ve been courting Claudia.”


“Yes. Claudia Foster … your, uh …”

“I know who she is, Boyd. You say you’ve been courting her. Why, I think that’s wonderful.”

“You do, Troy?”

“Of course! Boyd this isn’t about … I mean that was almost five years ago. I’m madly in love with Kate and happier than just about any man has any right to be. Certainly not me. I’m moved that you would feel you need my blessing for something like spending time with a lovely young woman.”

“That’s just it, Troy. I want to spend all of my time with her. I want to ask her to marry me. And, I’d like your blessing to do so.”


“Of course, of course, Boyd. I’m so happy for you. For both of you, actually. What wonderful news! I give you my blessing happily.”

Troy remembered how Boyd had looked at him with shining eyes and thanked him.

And that had brought them all here, to the church in Ashridge on this bright September day to watch the joining of Boyd and Claudia in holy matrimony.

** *** **

The organist began playing the wedding march, and the church doors opened. There, standing in a halo of sunlight, was Claudia on the arm of her father.

She looked radiant in her simple, cream-colored silk gown. Her long hair had been elaborately braided and pinned up into plait over plait of golden tresses. A soft smile shone on her face. She looked absolutely beautiful.

Kate’s handkerchief went to her eye. She was so happy. She had become friends with Claudia in the last two years, but she’d always felt that Troy was somehow uncomfortable with the relationship. He’d never said so, and he never would, so Kate had confronted the notion by having Claudia to the house when Troy was out on the ranch. In fact, it was on one of Claudia’s visits to Kate that her path had crossed with Boyd’s path.

Kate had seen the spark that had transpired between the two and had committed herself to feeding that spark. She had impromptu get-togethers in the afternoons when she knew Boyd would be around the paddocks near the house and Troy would be clear on the other side of the ranch.

And finally, the day had come when Claudia had confessed her feelings for Boyd to Kate. And Kate had needed no persuasion to become more serious in her matchmaking abilities.

She looked at her friend and silently prayed that Claudia’s marriage to Boyd would be as blessed as her own to Troy was. Claudia was at the altar, and the congregation sat.

It was an easy and quick ceremony, and as soon as the groom had kissed the bride, the new couple walked back down the aisle as husband and wife. A receiving line was formed in front, outside of the church. Everyone walked by the happy newlyweds to give their congratulations and well-wishes.

Lola went ahead, and the Hendersons took little Neil outside while Kate waited for Troy to come down from the altar.

“Mrs. Kelley!”

“Hello, Mr. Kelley. A lovely ceremony, wasn’t it?”

He reached where she stood and offered her his arm. “May I escort you outside, Mrs. Kelley?”

“You may, Mr. Kelley.”

It was a little game they played when they were alone, one of the many little joys in their everyday life together. Kate could honestly say she never had conceived of such happiness in anyone’s life much less her own. She was blessed beyond measure.

They went out into the glorious day. Everything and everyone was bathed in soft light. It was a lovely scene to behold and Kate, once again, uttered a silent prayer of thanks for all of the blessings that had visited her in recent years.

The Hendersons brought baby Neil over to them.

“Kate, my wife is wanting to take your baby son to our house for a sleepover. The little one seems amenable. How does it sound to the two of you?”

Kate’s back had been bothering her since the middle of the night. She knew from Neil’s birth that her back pain was the harbinger of labor. Going home and having a bath and getting to bed early sounded like Heaven.

“That would be lovely, Sally.” Kate didn’t want to alarm Troy, and she knew if she mentioned anything about her aching back, he would worry.

“Wonderful. Well, we’ll be on our way then. Neil, say bye-bye to Mama.”

“I was wondering, Sally, if you’d come to the house with us to pick up some things for the baby.”

“No, dear, I have things at my house. Remember?”

Kate caught Sally’s eye. “I have a new toy I’ve made that he sleeps with.”

Sally had seemed to pick up on her meaning, or at least she knew Kate wanted to speak with her privately at the house.

“Well, we wouldn’t want our little boy without his new sleep toy.” She kissed the baby and joined her husband who’d gotten their buggy.

Kate was assisted into the now empty coach they’d come in, and Troy was up on the box, driving. The sway of the coach lulled her and relaxed the tension that was building in her body. She had a feeling it might be the following day, but by the time they arrived at the ranch house, she was doubled over in pain.

** *** **

Troy opened the door of the coach to help her out and found her lying on her side across the seat.


“It’s alright, dear. I think our little girl might want to be making an appearance soon.”

He lifted her up. “Lola,” he called before the Hendersons had even pulled up.

When they’d seen him, he turned and went into the house.

“Oh, Troy, I can walk, dear. You can put me down.”

“No. I’ll carry you. Even with our child, you’re much lighter than a calf or a foal.” He took her into her bedroom.

“Put me on the daybed, please Troy. Then send Tabitha to me, will you?”

“Whatever you want, my darling.”

“You’re so good to me, Troy. So very good. I love you with all my heart.

Troy knelt beside the daybed and took Kate’s hand. His heart was full. This was what his marriage had become. And he was the happiest man in the world.


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Grab my new series, "Brides of the Untamed Frontier", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!

86 thoughts on “Finding Shelter in her Arms – Extended Epilogue”

    1. Thank you for allowing me to read your great book. The characters are magnificent and the story made you feel as if you were there with them

    2. Once again I loved this book. You have a wonderful way of developing the characters. This was a sweet story and the extended episode brought it together with a surprise.

    3. I loved this book! I had wanted Boyd and Angela to get together, but had the idea of Boyd and Claudia cross my mind. I wish the epilogue had carried the story through the actual birth. I just love happy endings! Thank you for another good book!

    4. I loved your book and the extended epilogue. It’s a lovely story about a young girl whose life isn’t easy. The way you made her wholesome, kind spirited, and loving made her endearing to me. Troy, Boyd, and Lola were a perfect off-set to Kate.

    5. I have loved every story of yours I’ve read and this one was no different Keep the great stories coming and I will be happy Thanks

    6. I loved this story. If only people were that way now. I can’t wait to read more of your stories. Love, Batbe Jacob

    7. Your book was sit on the edge of your seat book. A true love story. It had m.j e crying, happy for the lovers and hollering. For you to please not let nothing bad happiness to them. You made a awesome story n ok t able to put it down.. thank you.

    8. Thank you for a wonderful book, it was like you were there with the famlies! I enjoyed the extra epilogue, I was a bit surprised that it was Claudia that Boyd married, I guess I was hoping for Angela!
      Did Kate give birth to a little girl and what did they name her?!
      Loved the book, I did not want to put it down!!

    9. This book and the extended epilogue was so wonderful!! I loved the characters and storylines so much. I really enjoy the longer books, you’re able to so much more to the story and characters ! I can’t wait to begin the next one!

    10. Merci Ms Hanson for this beautiful story! This one touched my heart & soul! Loved Kate, Troy, Boyd, Lola & Angela! The kind hearted , honest folk always win in the end!!
      I do enjoy your stories & the stage you set up with such delightful characters.
      I can’t wait for the next book!

  1. A story very well written. I read the book in one day as I couldn’t put it down. One’s heart went out to Kate. It was very emotional with the character of Troy. One could also picture the ranch and the landscape. Looking forward to reading Ms. Hanson’s next book.

  2. A well written story. Started reading and could not stop. I shed a little tear when Troy whispered the words in Kate’s ear outside the farmhouse. Kate is a very strong lady and hopefully her friend Angela finds the same true love. Thank you Aurora Hanson.

      1. With being house because of covid-19,I spend my afternoon reading, started your book just after lunch. Finished it at 3:00 A M,couldn’t lay it down. Amazing how the characters came alive. Keep up the good work, look forward to the next one.

  3. A great story that touched my heart and emotions. Perseverance through patience surely pays off. Exciting from the first page until the end.

  4. A very entertaining western adventure and characters who seemed so real Thank you for the opportunity to read it.

  5. This is a great story and the characters are so good Reading made it seem as though I was actually there with everyone So glad Boyd was,able to Fall for someone but surprised that it was,Claudia . But Troy and Kate found happiness and love and the evil men were punished wonderful writer

  6. Thank you I enjoyed the book so much. Will be ordering another another one after this comment !

  7. Loved this book, also ordered the next one, ready to start reading
    about Boyd and Claudia. Keep the books coming, love them all.
    Off to start reading..

  8. This book is one of my favorite ones recently read. You must write a sequel! I would love to know more of this family and town’s story!

  9. Absolutely loved the book,from start to finish brilliant.extended epilogue just finished it nicely thank you

  10. I loved the book. I have read your books for several years and they just keep getting better. You develop the characters so well I feel like they are friends. Today was my son’s funeral so I kept myself distracted tonight by reading an entire book. I have to say that I do read a book just about every night. Thank you helping us face difficult times in our lives. You are the best.

  11. Always a pleasure to spend some time in the old west! Your writing makes me feel like I am right in the midst of it!

  12. This book was so enjoyably good,I couldnt put it down until it was finished. I love a romantic story with a little excitement included.I will be reading more of your stories.

  13. Loved this book and the wonderful epilogue. The characters where heart warming and the villain just the right side of wrong doing. I felt like I had made new friends in a great new town. Thank you so much for you wonderful western romance storirs.

  14. This is a wonderful family story. Grabs your attention sat the beginning and holds it to the end. Heartwarming ending as well.

    I look forward increasing the next book.

  15. I absolutely loved this story! Exciting page Turner with wonderful characters. Looking forward to reading more of your books.

  16. Truly excellent book as well as the epilogue ! Well written and captivating ! I’ve read several of your books up this one , and have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them !

  17. Loved the book as well as the extended epilogue. Very well written and the characters were so meant to be the way you put them together. Can’t wait to read another of your books!

  18. What a wonderful extended epilogue! First we find out about Boyd and Claudia’s happy news then Kate and Troy’s! What a great way to end an equally beautiful story by Aurora Hanson!!

  19. Really enjoyed the story and felt I really got to know the characters. Unless I just missed it, I don’t recall the content of the blue folders Angela risked getting to Troy. Before he got to look at them, he arrived home to find that Kate was gone. Just curious. Like reading your books!

  20. Characters were strong and determined. Each had to be able to look and move forward to see justice and love to evolve.

  21. Another great story. I absolutely fall in love with your characters. I loved all the twists and turns of your story. Waiting for the next wonderful tale

  22. This was another great story. I felt like I was right there with Kate. She was alone and ended up with a family. Liked all the twist and turns. I had thought that Boyd and Angela would be together but glad he got the woman he loved. Keep up the great writing.

  23. Really enjoyed the story couldn’t put it down,never even imagined the way Boyd and Claudia ended up together. Great story!!!

  24. Yet again another lovely story and I could not put it down. Would recommend this book to my mom and her friends. The story was really enjoyable and so glad that everything turned out well for everyone.

  25. Love it! Thank you for writing such a great story. I just wanted it to go on and on then Boyd married Claudia wow. What happened to Angela? Can’t wait to find out.

  26. Enjoyed the book, especially how you show both the strengths and weaknesses of your characters. Anxious to see what happens in your next book.

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