Grab my new series, "Brides of the Untamed Frontier", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Liam took a deep breath of fresh air as he stepped outside.
The sun was shining, and he wasn’t sure it was possible to be any happier than he felt at this moment. A grin slipped across his face as he knew it wasn’t the first time he’d thought this before and doubted it would be the last time.
He didn’t know how it kept happening, but his life seemed just to keep getting better. Before him was a beautiful spring day without a cloud in the sky. Blue was everywhere, stretching out to the horizon where the heavens met the Earth. The hills rose to meet there, green, and some of them even covered with flowers.
If he squinted just right, he could almost see that ledge that he was always climbing up for their Sunday picnics. That was a tradition they had started four years ago, shortly after marrying Delphine. It was one of their family’s favorite activities, and everyone always looked forward to the afternoon excursion.
Liam inhaled deeply once more.
There was a beautiful world out there that only continued to blossom.
For a while, he had worried that he wouldn’t ever feel completely at ease in his father’s former home, or perhaps the contention in his heart might someday return. But none of those feelings had bothered him yet. And there was a small voice in his head saying that he had healed. The pain of the past was gone, especially as he directed his attention on the future before him.
“Careful now!”
And there came the future around the house. The tall gray horse had two riders and was moving at his slowest pace possible. On the other side was Delphine as she walked alongside the saddle where their two children sat. Their twins, Peter and Louise, were nearing three years old already, and each clutched to the ropes as they giggled madly all the while.
Liam straightened up, grinning, as he descended the steps. He could just see his wife’s head peeking over the horse’s side.
Delphine had left her hair down that morning. She probably hadn’t had time to touch it. Most of her attention was directed to the children and managing the house these days. And she was doing a perfect job.
He hadn’t had a clue what it would be like to be a married man. Their marriage and choosing to stay in San Xavier had nudged them to make some life changes in their habits and ideas. The two of them had made a few changes to how they managed the house, sorted out responsibilities, and how they helped each other. It had been five years of being together, after all, and he liked to think they were beginning to get good at being together.
“Louise,” Delphine said with a chuckle, “don’t tug so hard. If your reigns really did work, then the horse would have bucked.”
He reached them and stopped the horse to greet them. The actual reins were kept down to the side, with Delphine holding them loosely, but the rope tied around the pommel wrapped around the children with frayed ends to hold onto. He remembered debating this with Delphine at one point, not certain that two-year-olds should be on a horse.
As usual, Delphine won the argument.
He gave her a raised eyebrow, suppressing a smile. “Do you think Louise understands that, dear?”
“Yes!” Louise piped up. She looked over with her dark hair and ruddy complexion while she wore the most devious smile possible. The guileless expression showed she didn’t understand what he was saying, but she wanted to show her independence and strength. “Yes, Papa!”
“And me!” Peter added quickly, not wanting to miss out. Though older by a few minutes, Peter spent most of his time quietly following his energetic and reckless sister about. He swung his head back to where his sister sat behind him and then back to Liam. “Peter too!”
Delphine snickered as she came around to greet him. “See? They’re such clever children. Don’t you think? Thank goodness they are mine.”
“Ours,” he corrected her playfully before nudging her nose with his. Liam kept one hand on the horse’s bridle and then wrapped the other around his wife to pull her close.
Her swelling belly kept them apart more than he liked, but warmth and comfort emanated from her that he couldn’t ignore. Delphine’s smile widened as she patted her stomach. She did that whenever she felt the baby move, he had realized, a small motion to comfort both her and the baby.
Part of him hoped that they wouldn’t be twins. Peter and Louise seemed to grow into a bigger handful every day. But Liam couldn’t deny the thrill he felt whenever he considered his small, growing family. He would take all the children in the world so long as Delphine was there with him.
“Do you need to leave yet?” Delphine murmured, pulling Liam from his wandering thoughts.
He blinked as she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “Right. Yes, just about. And I wanted to make sure that all of you are safe.” Liam gave her a look when she hesitated. “I have nothing against the twins riding, but I want you to have Elijah or me here whenever you want to take them riding.”
“Liam,” his wife tried to argue, “I’m sure we’ll be fine.
“You’re due in two months, Delphine.” Liam shook his head. “I’m serious about this, all right? It would be bad enough if the horse bucks or runs. Anything could happen out here. But you’re just putting yourself in more danger when you do this, and I don’t like it. It’s just for a short while,” he added when she fell quiet.
Delphine sighed before leaning forward to press her forehead against his chest. “I know. I understand what you’re saying. You mean well, and I can’t fault you for that. I suppose if it’s just for a little while longer.”
“Just until we meet our little one,” he assured her before kissing her on the lips. She tasted like the peaches she had plucked the other day. He thought she had decided to can all of them, but perhaps not. “In the meantime, let’s take care of our other little ones.”
“Horse! Horsey!” the twins were beginning to chorus together. Tugging on the rope harder now, they clearly wanted to get back on the path.
He shared a look with Delphine before giving in to her hopeful smile. “One more lap around the house, then. After that, I’m taking my horse, mine, into town.”
“We’re married, so it’s mine now,” Delphine teased him. She clucked her tongue as Liam stepped out of the way and then started moving along with the horse. The twins cheered loudly, nearly toppling over before they caught themselves.
Liam stood back and watched in amazement. The children were growing up so quickly. Every day they were learning new words, new ideas, and so much more.
He still remembered holding each of them for the first time. It had been a black and stormy night that had set him on edge. There had been just enough time for Elijah to get the town doctor over to the house where Liam was with his wife, holding her hand as she struggled to bring her children into the world. He had feared the worst might happen. But the worst had never happened, and he ended up with two perfect babies.
And now they would be having another one.
Delphine swore up and down that she knew it had to be a girl. Liam was convinced otherwise, and they teased each other constantly about this. A delightful shiver ran down his spine as he realized this playful argument would end in a matter of weeks.
Growing up in Boston with his uncle, Liam had blocked out any thoughts of having a family again. He had suffered enough with his father, and when no one replied to his messages sent back there, he felt certain he would never have another family.
Liam couldn’t be more glad to be so wrong.
“Headed into town?” Elijah called as he hastened up from the barn. “The train should be about to arrive.”
Seeing his wife and children slowly disappear around the corner, Liam turned back to his brother and nodded. “They’re making one more circle, and then I’ll be on my way.”
Elijah grinned. “Yeah, you can’t refuse those cute faces, can you?” Putting his hands on his hips, he shook his head. “I don’t know how I’m going to say goodbye next week. Where did the time go?”
“I wish I knew.”
They exchanged looks, and the two of them talked about the progress being made on their ranch until the others made it back around to them. The two men could hear the twins before seeing anyone, both of them screaming and pretending to be horses themselves, making the strangest of noises.
“Are you still going to miss them now?” Liam grinned.
“Even more now,” Elijah retorted. Then he brightened up as the children started shouting his name. They had yet to progress from the “E-Jah” and no one minded. “Come here, you rascals!” Running over, he pulled them free of the ropes and put them in his arms.
Delphine led the horse over to Liam after making sure Elijah wasn’t about to drop their kids. “Here you are, dear. Saddled and everything.” Her face was flushed, though he couldn’t tell if it was from exertion or excitement. “I can’t believe we’re finally going to be seeing Opal again! Will he be riding into town with you?”
They shared a quick kiss before he shook his head. “No, he’ll stay here. Is there anything that needs to be readied before she gets here? Blankets, anything?”
She gave him a look. “I was ready the moment we read her letter saying she would be finally be coming back. That’s a silly question, Liam.” Then her eyes widened. “Oh, what about her husband? What if he doesn’t like the food? Or the bed? Maybe I should have bought another blanket. We can give them one off her bed, perhaps, or …”
Leaning down, he gave her another kiss to silence her concerns. This one was longer and sweeter as the two of them lingered in the moment.
“It’s going to be great,” he whispered after finally pulling away from her. “I’m sure of it. Opal wouldn’t marry anyone she didn’t deem as exciting or brilliant as herself, so …”
Delphine elbowed him before letting out a small laugh. “Liam! That’s your sister you’re talking about.”
“Exactly, which means I can talk about her like that,” he countered playfully.
“Is someone talking about me?”
He heard that, and then a scream erupted right beside him. Liam jerked his head up, jumping from his wife’s shout, to find Opal standing there on the back porch with a teasing grin. She was wearing a bright blue traveling coat and bonnet. Now twenty-one, she had blossomed into a beautiful young woman. He saw the infectious smile on her face and couldn’t help smiling back at her.
In the meantime, Delphine was already running past Elijah and the twins, who had fallen silent in surprise. Liam shook his head in disbelief. Of course, his sister would decide to make an entrance like this. He watched as she engulfed Delphine in a tight hug. The two of them swayed side to side with laughter bursting right out of them.
Though he wanted to give them a moment, Liam couldn’t help being thrilled as well. He made his way up the steps alongside Elijah to greet their sister.
Opal had left shortly after his wedding to make her way back to New Orleans to live with her aunt and uncle. She had attended classes and joined clubs, leading a very busy life that she wrote about with frequency and love.
It had only taken a few years before she started mentioning a rather handsome and clever man who had attracted her attention. Mr. Robert Hainsely had arrived from New York to open another tailoring shop. The two of them had quickly become inseparable, and only Delphine was surprised when Opal announced her upcoming wedding in a few short months.
Liam had talked with Delphine for a long time as they considered going out to New Orleans. There were enough bad memories that still haunted his wife that made her hesitant to return, even though she adored her friend. In the end, it was decided for them. The twins fell ill with fevers, and only Elijah left the house for the next few weeks. Opal wrote to them, letting the family know how the occasion had gone and how she promised to visit sometime soon.
Life was getting busier and busier.
Just when Liam thought that life would slow down for a second, something new happened.
Elijah had met a lady down in Texas on one of their cattle runs. He had stayed behind to get to know Miss Rachel Hernandez, who ran her own ranch near the Mexico border, and the two of them had spent the last seven months exchanging letters. It was time for him to have a family of his own, so he would be moving there to join her.
Soon it would just be Liam, Delphine, and their growing brood on the family ranch. He still couldn’t imagine such a thing. Though their family had sorted through the financials and worked to create equal shares, it felt strange to think he wouldn’t have them to turn to as often or as quickly as he was used to.
“It’s so good to see you!” Opal cried out as she moved from Delphine to hug her brothers. “Elijah, what is this beard? And Liam, your hair is getting long. What do you two think you are, cavemen?”
Liam gave her a tight squeeze, chuckling. “Thanks, Opal. It’s good to see you too.”
His sister just gave him a wink. Then she went to Elijah and stopped in amazement. “Oh, my goodness gracious! Is this my niece and nephew? Look how perfect you two are, how precious! Hello Louise, hello Peter. Oh, Liam, they have your eyes. Isn’t that sweet, dear?” she asked before glancing back at her husband, who had hung back in the doorway the entire time, quiet and patient.
Immediately Liam straightened up and nudged his sister. “Yes, about this Mr. Hainsely of yours …”
Then he trailed off as he saw the bundle in the man’s arms. At first, he thought it might have been a purse or something like that. But then it moved, and he didn’t know what to think.
Opal’s husband was tall with brown hair under his hat and a mustache that twirled up at the ends. The man said nothing as he nodded. Then he offered a jovial grin before pulling back part of the blanket to reveal a baby.
It was Delphine who audibly gasped. “What on earth! A baby? When?”
“Surprise!” Opal hurried over to her husband’s side. They shared a loving look before turning to gaze at the baby in his arms. She kissed the child’s forehead before turning to them with flushed cheeks. “It was supposed to be a surprise,” she admitted. “The pregnancy, not the baby.”
Elijah snorted. “How is that supposed to work?”
Their sister shrugged sheepishly. “He wasn’t due for another month, but apparently, he couldn’t wait any longer. He was born on the train ride just hours after we left New Orleans two days ago. So, everyone meet Jonathon Robert Hainsely.”
“What?” Delphine cried out incredulously. “What? I don’t … this isn’t … Opal, my goodness! I can’t believe this. And you’re on your feet like nothing happened. Aren’t you two just brave? That’s madness, Opal.”
“Well, we had to come. I wasn’t sure when we might next have an opportunity to be together. Especially since someone found himself a special lady,” Opal said with a giggle as she gave Elijah a teasing smile.
Their brother just beamed. “It was about time, wasn’t it?”
“Overdue,” Liam responded light-heartedly. He noticed Louise was getting restless in Elijah’s arms. Though Peter was just fine there and sucking his thumb, Liam reached over and scooped his daughter up. “I’ve been trying to find a way to get you out of here forever.”
“I can leave sooner if you like?”
Opal gasped. “Don’t you dare! Not after I’ve come so far. No; if anything, I shall do my best to keep you here a little longer. Or perhaps we can convince her to come up here?”
“She will be,” Elijah announced. Liam felt his wife turn to look at him, wondering if that was another joke. “We’re going to get married here and then head back down. Say, didn’t I tell anyone that?”
The surprises seemed to just keep coming.
As Opal teased Elijah and demanded to know more about his lady, Delphine turned to Robert Hainsely to hold her two-day-old nephew. She brought the baby over to Liam with shining eyes.
Immediately he shifted Louise in his arms and wrapped the other one around her, knowing without words just what she was feeling. They were about to have another child of their own. Looking around, he saw everyone in his life that he could possibly need.
It felt strange to think that he had ever been without his siblings and Delphine. Whenever he looked back on those days, Liam knew now that he had been missing something. There was a hole in his heart; he just hadn’t understood it then.
All he knew was that he needed something. But the law firm, the city, and the high society had never satisfied him. It never could because the one thing he needed more than anything else was a loving family.
“Okay,” Liam called after a few minutes, “let’s take this inside, shall we? I’m starving. There is a lot for us to talk about, and we don’t need to do it all out here.”
“So bossy,” his sister snickered. She winked for good measure before taking her baby back. “But I think that’s a marvelous idea. I am exhausted! Though I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep a wink while I’m here.”
Delphine took the twins inside while Liam and Elijah handled Opal’s rented cart and the gray horse. They moved quickly, not wanting to miss a minute with the others inside. When they returned, Liam smelled something sweet in the air as he went to sit with his family.
Everyone gathered around the sitting room. Sitting beside Delphine, they each put one of the twins on their laps. He glanced over to share a smile with her while Opal launched into the story of her early delivery. Mr. Hainsely was quick to step in with clever jokes and exaggerated expressions.
“Liam?” Delphine whispered. She crinkled her eyes up at him when he turned her way. “If there’s a baby here … and then Rachel … There’s so much work to do.”
Most of the time, he would feel tense about sudden changes and unexpected circumstances. But working on a ranch was full of those, so he was learning to take one day at a time.
“It’s going to be alright,” Liam assured her. “We’ll figure it out as we go.”
She slowly relaxed, nodding. “I love you.”
His heart grew warm as he leaned forward to give her a quick peck on the lips. “I love you too.”
Then Liam looked around and wondered if the smile on his face would ever come off. It was hard to imagine that he could be any happier than he was now as he spent time with his family and caught up on missed time. But Liam had an inkling that tomorrow could be even better.
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Grab my new series, "Brides of the Untamed Frontier", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Hello my dears, I hope you enjoyed the book and the Extended Epilogue! I will be waiting for your comments here. Thank you 🙂
A great story, I loved the way the story ended ,with family and love..
Thank you so much, dear Shirley! Glad you enjoyed it!
A wonderful read !! Love your books !!
This is so sweet! Thank you very much dear Beulah! It really means a lot to me!
I really loved how you brought the siblings together after such a long separation. The extended episode put everyone in the right place and brought a happy family together to celebrate. Thank you for sharing your talent.
This book was so interesting could not put it down extended Epilogue be out the story to its final end loved it
SO happy to hear this, dear Darlene! Thank you so much!
As always, you never cease to me amaze me with another great story. I felt like I was right there the entire time and as usual, with a great happy ending. Please continue to keep up the good work with your stories, Aurora. You are one of my very favorite authors!
I’m glad to hear that you enjoy my stories my dear Janet, it really means the world to me!💕
Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!
Yes your stories just keep getting better and better!
I’m humbled, dear Evelyn! Thank you so much for your kind words and support. It is so important to me!
This was a great story so much going on. I especially enjoyed the extended epilogue so many changes but all happy ones.
Wonderful story of family. Loved all of the characters.
Thanks so much for your kind comment dear Susan!
I’m glad you enjoyed it❤️
I have loved all your books. I love the passion between two people that wanted to be together and finally did. It was a beautiful story.
Carey Young
Haven’t read any of your books that I haven’t liked. They all are great stories.
So happy to hear this dear Joann!
Stay tuned cause there is more coming very soon 💕
Wonderful read, I could not put it down, read well into the night. A Ranch full of love was so exciting, I loved every character, Liam, Delphine, Opal, and Elijah, not forgetting Old Matilda, and Lucy and her calf. Thank you Aurora for giving us such interesting reads.
A lovely story of the importance of good family relationships to a healthy life. Both Liam and Delphine were able to be happy once they came to terms with their backgrounds.
A lovely story
This was a good book. Different but good.
I really enjoyed this story . But then, I have enjoyed everything that I have read of yours
so far . Thank you for such wonderful stories.
You are quickly becoming my favorite author.
I loved this extended eli!ogue! So nice to see all the change and meet the new generations! I enjoyed it so much!
Thank you!
Thank you for yet another great read. I could not put the book down and have just finished reading the extended epilogue. I cannot wait to start on another of your brilliant books. The gift you have of making the reader feel they are actually present and witnessing the story as it unfolds is hugely appreciated. Thank you so much for your amazing stories. Take care x
My sincere thanks go out to you, Dawn!
I really loved how the family came together at the end I loved the epilogue and different ways each one went. Thank you for your books of which I highly recommend.
I really love how the brothers and sister got together seeing how long they’d been apart. I enjoyed how the extended epilogue brought everything to get her for everyone. Thank you.
Ms Aurora
A Ranch Full of Love is an amazing book and extended epilogue. I loved Liam and Delphine and all the characters included. Elijah and Opal were certainly awesome siblings to Liam. I enjoyed reading about the twins in the extended epilogue and Opal and her husband and her baby boy. Elijah finally found his true love so there was completely awesome stuff here. Thank you very much for an outstanding story.
A wonderful story of siblings overcoming separation and finding love and happiness
Thank you for your kind comment, dear Gwen!
This is such a wonderful story. All but the sister seemed to have various problems while growing up. So much going on, I just could not put it down. {it helps that I am retired – ha ha}
The extended epilogue was a really nice final ending.
I’m humbled, dear! Thank you so much for your amazing words!
absolutely loved it
I loved the story.was very interesting.
Sue Ann Dittrich
This story is such a witness for those who suffer severe abuse in childhood. One can overcome former adversity if they put their trust in God. Thank you for painting such a beautiful picture of love and overcoming.
Thank you so much, for these amazing words, dear Janet! They are truly important to me!
I loved this story especially reticent Liam bringing Delphine’s family to the wedding.
Great story with so many interesting characters. Family life at times harbors secrets that can cause physical, emotional and mental stress. Love given time can help change the path to happiness.
So happy you enjoyed it, dear Bonnie! Love is indeed the most powerful force!💕
Loved the story content. It was interesting how you helped us get into the minds of the characters. We are all a product of our experiences that shape our lives. You did a good job of showing how the love of others can turn lessons learned from bad experiences into a good life. Family ties are important.
Great story. I loved it. I have read many of your books. Books have certainly seen me through this past year of the COVID pandemic. Thanks!
Thank you so much dear Connie! I’m so glad you enjoy my books and I truly appreciate your support!
Writing these stories has definitely helped me as well to navigate through these tough times.
It was a great story how love could bring this family together. They all matured together and overcame obstacles in their life . Love for each other made a sweet story.
Thank you so much for your lovely comment, dear Becky! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and resonated with the characters!❤️
For me this was a page turner. When I get a good one I hate to put it down. This started out sorrowful and started to work it’s way to a happier ending . . I love happy ending s Thank you for your work.
Glad you enjoyed it, dear Edette! We all love a good happy ending, don’t we?
I thoroughly enjoyed this book from front to back. Thank you for the extended outcome!
So glad to hear this, dear Mary! I have more stories coming so make sure to stay tuned! 💕
My beautiful wife and I started a great practice 20 years ago. Each night Di reads to me. We always choose a historical western romance. We have been avid fans of your work for some time now. Loved this book and wondered how it ranks among your favorite books? Please continue to use your God given talent!
That’s just so sweet! Please keep up with this lovely practice dear Charlie and Diane.
I’m so happy you love my stories. Thank you so much!!❤️
I enjoyed it from beginning to end.
I’m so happy you enjoyed it, dear Augusta! Make sure to stay tuned! 🙂
I enjoyed reading your book
It was hard to put down.
Thank you, dear Frances! I’m glad you like it 💕
Loved the Extended Epilogue — an appropriate ending to such a sweet book. Thank you for the enjoyment.
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Mattie 🙂 Thank you for your comment!
What a life Delphine lived. Abused by her parents she had to get away. So glad she had Opal as her friend. When the arrived at Opal’s birthplace it was beautiful. So happy she had this escape and that she met someone to love her. A great read.
Very good book.Glad I read it.
Thank you so much, dear Virginia! I’m so glad you enjoyed the story! 💕
Good book.
Great read! Must have been… It’s now 5:15 a.m. I fell in love with everyone of the characters, oh except one.☺
Thank you Pam! I’m so glad you enjoyed it 🌼
I might have an idea of which character you didn’t particularly like 😉
Another great story as you only can pen it!! Your imagination is wonderful, I am so thankful, as I am sure that other readers are, to find another artist such as you, to share your talent for delightful clean reading. Thank you so much for these stories, I can’t never have enough of them! Great reading! Thanks again! 🙂
Thank you for such a heartfelt comment, Janine!
The problem with their Father kept them apart but his death brought them back together. I loved how you brought it all together with the extended epilogue. Great book. Keep up the great writing, Aurora.
Thanks, Letha!
Thank you for the lovely story. I love happy endings.
Thanks, Sandy!
Great read!! Enjoyed every bit of it!!!
Thanks Jennett!
I felt like I was right there sharing their experiences and I wanted to tell Liam to open up his eyes and his heart to see what was really happening. Thanks for inviting us into their lives.
Thanks, Margaret!
A very sweet story. I kept hoping that Liam would ‘see the light’ and admit his feelings for Delphine and he finally did. I was happy to get to see Elijah find someone special, as well as Opal.
Thanks, Judy!
Great book even though I wanted to use a stun gun on Liam most of the way thru it, was so glad when he finally got it right
Thank you Margie! I am glad you liked it!