Grab my new series, "Brides of the Untamed Frontier", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Chapter One
Violet Green, stood up holding her back with the strain of forking out the dirty straw in the stables. The stables were a huge part of the running a horse ranch but she needed to make sure everyone knew that her care of the animals was second to none.
“Violet, where are you?” a voice cried and Violet forgot the bad back and ran to the stable door to wave to her friend. The smooth coated dog that was Violet’s constant companion was already running outside with tail wagging furiously.
Alisa Miller slid from her horse and came across to the stable.
“I am here,” Violet cried and the two girls hugged each other. Alisa bent to fuss over the dog.
“Howdy, Crystal.”
“You have given me a wonderful reason to stop and rest,” Violet told her. “Come and have a drink on the porch.”
“I brought fresh bread to top up your supplies and some fresh cake from today’s baking.”
“My mouth is watering,” Violet said and washed her hands at the kitchen sink. “Would you like coffee or lemonade?”
“Coffee please,” Alisa answered and took the cup that Violet offered. She found a plate for the fruit cake and put the bread on the wooden chopping board to cut a slice.
“I must have some fresh bread and butter. Your dad does make the best bread in the world.”
“Cut me a slice as well please,” Alsa said. “I can eat a slice of bread and a slice of fruit cake.”
“Me too,” Violet added. She put the bread and cake onto two plates and handed one to her friend.
“Can we sit in here?” Alisa asked and Violet gave her a quizzical look. “I do love your living room. It has such color and the seats are so comfortable.”
“I must admit that I do like comfort when I have finished work for the day. Why did you want to view the cushions?” She laughed as she asked that.
“If I had a place of my own, would you help me to get the same effect?”
“I would love that. Have you got somewhere in mind?”
“That little house that is next door to Mrs. Bonito is empty and I have talked to the owner. He says that I can have first refusal and Dad says that I can take it as long as I still work at the bakery. It is exciting.”
“That is very exciting. I would love to help. When can you move in?”
“It will take a month, but I can be making soft furnishings in that time. The cottage has a wooden bed, table and chairs but I need armchairs and a mattress as well as bed covers. Mom says that she will help me there.”
“Choose the material for the cushions and I will make them for you. You need coloful blankets to throw over the armchairs and material for curtains. I haven’t done any sewing for ages. It will be a lovely change. I have ordered a new sewing machine that you work by pressing a pedal. It will be useful to make these things for your house.”
“I heard that you had a new filly,” Alisa said. Violet was delighted that her friend had asked. The horses were her business but also her whole life. She stood up.
“Come and see her with her mom. She is a week old now and quite sturdy on her little legs. Tell your Dad that his bread is still the best in the world.”
The two friends went out to the stable and passed where Violet had been forking out the stalls. The stall at the end was a much bigger size and in it stood the mare called Cally and her new and beautiful daughter, Ruby.
“Howdy Cally,” Alisa said and the mare came over to the gate. “You have been a very good girl. Your baby is almost as pretty as you.”
“Called Ruby,” Violet told her and the little filly came over to be beside her mom. Alisa put a hand through the gate and tickled the nose of the newcomer. Then she stroked Cally.
“What wonderful picture they make,” Alisa said. “The little one is the same dark chestnut as her mom.”
“Hence the name of Ruby,” Violet added.
“You are so good at what you do,” Alisa told her.
“I love it,” Violet admitted. “Bob is a mainstay. He is getting on now because he came here when my Dad came and took over the place. He is an expert on horses but not as strong as he used to be.” She smiled. “He can stand at the fence and tell me what I need to do next with the training.”
Alisa laughed.
“He’ is like you. He cannot live without horses around. How many have you got now?”
“Twelve and the newest arrival but I do need to supplement the breeding and training stock. I will find some men to help me catch some of the wild herd.”
“Is the grey stallion still in charge out there?” Alisa asked.
“Yes, he keeps the stock a good quality and if I can bring down another six or so, it will help with my breeding lines as well.”
“Come and visit us though. You need human company sometimes. I want to show you the house.”
“I will come the day after tomorrow.”
“Come for lunch at midday and then you can view the cottage.”
Alisa said that she would make for home as her Mom needed her in the bakery.
“I have had my time out to talk to you.”
“Lovely to see you,” Violet told her and the two friends hugged each other. Alisa mounted her mare from the porch steps and Violet ran to open the gate and let her through. She watched until her friend was out of sight and went back to the stable to finish the clearing out.
Then the dog told her that there might be someone else at the gate and she went to look out of the door. Violet smiled and saw that it was Owen Brooks at the gate with his delivery wagon. She ran across to open up so that he could drive the wagon inside.
“Howdy, Violet. How are you?”
“Fine thanks. I guess you are bringing my new sewing machine.”
“I am.” He jumped down and found the two heavy parcels that were in the cart.
“I will unpack it and put it together for you.” He gave her a slight smile. “I know that you are capable of doing it but I feel happier if the goods are working properly before I drive away.”
“Okay. As it happens, I have fresh bread from the bakery and fruit cake as well. Coffee is on the stove as usual.”
“Sounds great,” he said and carried the heavy iron leg part of the machine into the house. Then he went back for the machine part. Violet buttered bread and put out fruit cake with some cheese and poured two coffees. He was on the floor slotting the parts together and she looked at his dark brown hair neatly pulled back with a leather thong and wondered about asking about his family. They had always been close friends and had been at school together but she knew that it was an upsetting topic. Owen had withdrawn into himself over the last few months and she didn’t want to make things worse.
“Putting the table part onto the legs is easy and then the machine goes on the top. Making the rubber belt work is the tricky part but I have done one or two of these already.”
He slid his long legs underneath the newly erected sewing machine table and managed to slide the rubber belt that drove the machine from the treadle and up to the machine. He worked the pedal with his hand and the machine obligingly made the movement of the needle going up and down. He scrambled up from the floor.
“You can wash your hands in the kitchen, Owen. That machine looks marvelous.”
He washed and dried his hands.
“Where do you want this new piece of furniture?”
“Under the window for the light, thanks,” she answered and he moved the machine to the spot that she indicated. Then he sat at the table and accepted the coffee and something to eat.
“Your bread making skills have improved,” he said with a grin. “But I did pass Alisa as I was coming here. I guess you admitted that she brought it.”
“Her Dad is just the best bread maker. Did you know she was thinking about getting a house of her own?” He shook his head. “The sewing machine has arrived just as I agreed to make her curtains and cushions.” She hesitated. “Talking about home, how is your Mom now?”
Owen sighed.
“This worry about Margot is all that is wrong with her really,” he answered. Violet reached across and put her hand on his arm.
“It is an awful situation. We have been friends since we were five. I worry about you as well as your mom.”
Owen put his hand over hers.
“Thanks,” he said. “I know you are really asking because you mean it. Some folk are just making up stories. My sister is a good woman and Ed was a great sheriff. She was pregnant when they disappeared as well and that is an extra concern. They have put someone else into Ed’s job now.”
“Oh no,” Violet exclaimed. “When folk spread stories it is just downright wicked.” She paused. “I do pray for them every Sunday when I go to church. The minister always prays for them as well.”
There is nothing more that I can do as the clues are just not there. How can the sheriff and his wife from Cottonwood disappear without trace? It is just as if they vanished into thin air. It has been a year now and nothing. Calum and I have followed every sighting or clue that we can find and nothing is there. Calum is a bounty hunter and can usually track anything or anybody.”
Violet could see that he was finding it hard to fight back tears and she went to put her arms around his shoulders.
“You can let yourself cry if you want to. I won’t tell anyone else.” He nodded and took his bandana to wipe his cheeks. Violet poured him a shot of whisky and he threw it back.
“Thanks, Vi,” he said and called her by her schooldays name.
She pulled a chair next to him.
“You are welcome any time that you need to get away and just talk about something.” She paused. “Do you want to see my new baby?”
“Yes please,” he answered and they went out and over to the stable. Ruby obligingly followed her Mom over to be petted.
“What a little beauty,” he said. “You are good at this, Vi.”
“Thanks. I will need to try and bring in a few of the wild herd to add to the stock. Are you willing to help?”
“Sure thing. It would be a good change for me and Calum would help as well.”
“That would be a great help. Another couple of men as well would be useful if you can ask around.”
“But definitely not that Leon,” Owen said.
“Is he still around? I thought he had left town.”
“He has now because I told him that Calum and I would deal with him if he did not go.”
“Gosh, Owen. I never knew that you had taken him on for me.”
“He needed to be told that this town would not stand for men taking advantage of women.”
“He did not take advantage because he never got the chance but I know he spent a lot of time with saloon girls. He was pleasant at first but just tried to go further and further. I sent him packing with Bob behind me with a rifle.”
“And Calum and I finished the job for you.”
“Thanks. I will thank Calum when I see him.”
“Any time you need help, you just have to ask,” Owen told her. “When do you want to go for the ponies?”
“Wednesday morning next week and I will put stew on the stove for when we come back.”
“I will make sure we have the men to help.”
“You are the best friend in the world,” she told him and kissed his cheek. He touched the place with his fingers and grinned at her.
Chapter Two
Owen Brooks rode back to Silver Hollow and occasionally touched the place on his cheek that he had felt the kiss. He always felt at home with Vi and he rather thought that she felt the same way about him. It was a comfort to know that her shoulder was always there to cry on. The trip out to round up half a dozen wild horses would be a change. Calum was around at the moment and he would ask Marty and Gills to ride along.
He stopped at the bakery and went to buy his mom something sweet to try and cheer her up.
“We meet again,” Alisa said with a smile. “I bet you ate bread and cake with Violet.”
“I did and it was great. I put her new sewing machine together and she says you will need curtains and things. It obviously arrived at the right time.”
“Give your mom my best wishes,” Alisa told him and he took the cake away.
He turned his horse into the corral and put the wagon in the large barn. His Mom had enough space to let him run his delivery business from home and his friend Marty worked there as well. Marty had gone home by that time and the barn had neatly stacked parcels that were to go the next day. He looked across the yard to his mom’s house that had always been a cheerful place but the last year had changed his mother. He picked up the cake and went to try and cheer her up a little.
His Mom was sitting in a chair at the fire and brightened up when she saw the cake.
“I did put on some soup. It should be ready now. These cakes look good.” His mom struggled to her feet and steadied herself on the furniture. Owen ladled out the soup and sliced some bread.
“How do you feel today, Mom?” he asked and held a chair for his dad who was quite frail as well.
“I am not as bad as I was,” she admitted. “Have you been anywhere interesting today?”
“Well,” Owen said between mouthfuls of soup, “I took Violet her new sewing machine and set it up for her. She has a new week old filly called Ruby. It is quite beautiful.”
He paused.
“Apparently Alisa is taking the cottage next to Mrs. Bonito and making a place of her own.”
“These girls are so independent nowadays,” his Mom observed.
“Violet did ask me if Calum and I would ride out and help her capture a few of the wild young horses.”
“You’ll enjoy that,” his dad saidobserved.
“Be a change, I must admit.”
“With your delivery business, at least we get to hear news from all over the place,” his mom observed and then looked sad. Owen patted her arm.
“But not the news that you want to hear. I know how bad it is for you.” He paused. “I was a bit upset myself, telling Violet about the way there is no trace. She gave me a whisky and said that I could go anytime if I needed to talk.”
“Violet seemed to pull herself out of losing her parents by sheer willpower,” his mom observed.
“The girl knows what it is like to lose family.” His dad remarked. “Her Mom and Dad died suddenly in that accident and her grandfather was all that she had.”
“She inherited his love of horses and makes the place pay. She still has old Bob to help her but it looks like he is feeling his age as well” Owen reflected. “She runs a few head of cattle to make extra money but if I suggested that it was too much for one person, she would just argue me down.”
His mother looked thoughtful and Owen smiled.
“What are you thinking? I can see your mind working.”
“Maybe Violet is more lonely than she admits. When she says that you can always go if you need someone to listen, it might be that she needs someone to talk to as well.”
Owen nodded.
“Nothing wrong with your brain, Mom. You could well be right. The delivery business is doing quite well and I can take time off every now and then. Marty is able to take up the slack.”
“You could help her without suggesting that it is all a lot for one woman.”
“She would explode if I suggested that,” Owen stood up and brought dessert in from the kitchen so that his mom could sit still. She was always unsteady on her legs when she first stood up.
They finished the meal and Owen and his dad went to put away the horses they kept in the corral behind the house. Then Owen thought about what his mom had said and saddled his horse.
“I might take a ride out to Violet’s,” he said. “I don’t know why but I just think maybe Mom was right.”
“Okay son. I’ll tell your mom.”
Owen rode out of town and urged the horse forward. He could not quite work out why he had decided to go back to Violet’s ranch. He had always been the best of friends with her and it seemed that for some reason, she might need him. He opened the gate and tethered the horse as the dog ran out to jump up and try to lick his face. He looked at the house entrance and saw a face peek out.
“You okay, Vi?”
“Yes but I could do with your advice.” He hurried across and saw that she was very concerned.
“What is wrong?” They went into the living room and he stopped short. On the table was the drawer from a set of drawers, and in the makeshift cradle was a baby. “Good Lord above.” He looked at her.
“The baby was left on Bob’s doorstep with a note to me. I guess whoever left it thought they would have time to get away if they left the little one at Bob’s door.”
“Where’s the note?”
She picked it up from the table and handed it over.
“Dear Rancher, Please keep baby Rose safe until I can come back and take her home. She is three months old and loves goat’s milk. She is starting to eat mashed vegetables and is a good baby. I am also leaving you a case with evidence in that the gang would kill both me and the baby to find. Please help me and Rose. I know you are a good person. Keep her safe and secret. I am forever in your debt. Rose’s Mom.”
“Vi Vi,” Owen said and she saw the tears on his cheeks. He was as white as a sheet and shaking.
“What?” she prompted.
“This warm scarf with the blue edging is my sister’s. It is Margot’s scarf and she was pregnant when she went missing.” He looked at Rose. “That must be my niece.”
Violet’s hand flew to her mouth and then she put her arms around Owen and the two of them wept tears that there was a clue that might help him find his sister.
“Oh, Lord. It is wonderful that she is still alive and the baby is safe with me but the shock is hard to take in.”
She could see that Owen was still very shaken and practically unable to speak. Her heart went out to him and she knew that he needed to be brought out of the state of upset that the sight of his sister’s scarf had produced.
She let him go and picked up baby Rose. The baby started to whimper. Violet handed the baby to Owen and said she would find some goat’s milk. Owen was not sure about holding the little one but paced around the floor until Violet returned. She saw that having to look after Rose had helped him take in what had happened.
“I have a tiny nipple for very tiny pups if it is needed, and a small bottle. I have cleaned them and warmed slightly the milk slightly. I hope she can manage it.”
She sat on a chair and Owen handed her the baby. The nipple was offered to Rose and it took her about two seconds to start to take great big pulls on the bottle.
“I will have to be careful not to let too much go down or she might choke,” Violet said and looked anxious. She pulled up the baby to a more sitting position and allowed less milk to be drawn out.
“I guess you know about animals,” Owen said.
“It feels much like bottle feeding a tiny animal and she seems happy.” She paused and let Rose take a few breaths. “She looks like you,” she whispered.
“Oh, dear Lord. I knew I had to come back here for some reason.”
“Thank heavens that you did. What shall I do?”
Violet put the baby over her shoulder and patted her gently. The wind came out with some milky bubbles and she wiped them away with the towel that she had brought with the milk.
“I am just trying to take this in, Vi. Thank goodness Margot chose you.”
“Can I keep it a secret?”
“Margot and the baby are in danger if anyone finds out. She has stayed on the run for months. Tolet hr be in danger now would just be awfiul. You, me and Bob are safe enough but we need help. Calum will help and can keep his mouth shut.”
“Alisa is the same.” Owen nodded and then stood up. He had recovered enough to think sensibly about what he should do. Violet could see that. He perhaps did not realize it but she could see that the baby’s arrival had put new hope into his heart “It is still daylight. I will see if I can find tracks around Bob’s cabin. Then I will go for Calum because he is the best tracker around here. I have to try and find my sister.” He went to the door and turned. “What else do you need?”
“I am okay for milk, eggs and vegetables but I need some diapers or towels might be better. I can cut them up and they will not raise any queries.”
“I will try and get those. I will tell Bob to come over and give you a hand.”
“Owen,” she called. “Shall we tell your Mom?” He paused and shook his head.
“She would want to tell people.” He ran across to Bob’s cabin and the older man set off for the ranch house.
Violet was glad to see the man that helped her run the ranch. She had known him all of her life.
“Thank goodness that Owen came back. Did he tell you what he saw on the baby?”
Bob shook his head. “That scarf with the blue edging is his sister’s.”
“Good Lord,” Bob exclaimed. “She would know that you would look after the baby.”
“Thank goodness we have goat’s milk. She has drunk some with the tiny animal nipple and a bottle. She can have some again later and maybe scrambled eggs in the morning with some milk in it.” Violet laughed. “Good thing that we know how to rear animals.”
Bob sat on a chair and looked at the sleeping child.
“It has been an awful year for their family. Maybe there is some light at the end of the tunnel.”
“Owen is looking to see if there are tracks and then going for Calum. He is a great tracker and maybe they will find a clue as to where Margot has gone. I will tell Alisa and ask her to say nothing. He will have to look for his sister and all we can do is help him and protect little Rose.”
“If you keep the little one in the kitchen, you can close the door if anyone arrives at the ranch.”
“Good idea through the day. I will take her up to my bedroom at night. If she is hungry, she can have more milk.” She stopped speaking.
“What have you thought of?” Bob asked.
“I was going with Calum, Owen and two more to bring down six young horses from the wild herd.”
“They will still be there in a couple of weeks,” the older man said. “By then we will be used to Rose and maybe I can watch her while you go for the horses.”
“Thanks, Bob. What would I do without you?”
“Well, I am glad to help but what do you think the evidence is in the parcel that she left with the child?”
“I will leave that to Owen. It is from his sister. I don’t think he has taken that information in yet. The baby was his first concern and then trying to follow Margot’s trail. I can only look after the baby as best I can.”
“Put the package somewhere safe,” Bob told her. She held it in her hand but heard someone at the door. She grabbed little Rose and stepped into the kitchen. Bob answered the knock at the door and let in Owen.
Violet came into the room with the baby.
“I found the direction that she went and there was only one set of hoofprints. I will go for Calum and see if he can find out more. I will tell Mom that I am helping Calum with a case and might not be back.”
“The baby is safe with me and Bob. We are working out how best to keep her out of sight. Take care out there, Owen.”
Chapter Three
Owen ran to his horse and galloped away down the trail to town. Calum had a smallholding that was just outside of Silver Hollow. He grew crops to sell and had a man who helped him run the place. He knew the man well as he was called Gills and was a friend Marty that he had suggested might help them round up the horses.
When Owen reached the entrance gate he could not help but smile as the precautions that Calum took were obvious. His work as a bounty hunter was not always easy but he had no cover for anyone to use as they approached and when the gate opened, it jangled a big bell. The said bell did make a noise and his friend stepped onto the porch with a rifle in his hand. He lowered his arm when he saw who it was. Owen ran across and the two of them went inside.
“Trouble?” Calum asked and poured Owen a coffee. He took a mouthful and sat on a chair.
“Prepare yourself for this and swear to keep it a secret.”
Calum nodded and simply waited. It was not like his friend to swear him to keeping a secret. His work as a bounty hunter made him do that all of the time.
Owen took a deep breath.
“Somebody came and left a baby on Vi’s doorstep. Well, on Bob’s doorstep really. I guess because it was easier to get away unseen.” Calum opened his mouth and closed it again. “The baby was wrapped in my sister’s scarf as well as blankets and things. There was a note that asked Vi to look after baby Rose until she could come back for her. The note did not say who had left the baby.”
“Were there any tracks?” Calum as usual, did not show any surprise at whatever life threw at him. Owen took another deep breath. Calum’s calm attitude was exactly what he needed.
“I saw a single set of tracks going away from Silver Hollow. I came to ask you to come and help me. Vi will look after the baby and we will tell nobody as it puts the baby and all of us in danger. Vi will ask Alisa to help her as well.” He finished the long speech and looked at Calum and then he felt his legs wobble and sank onto a seat.
“The great thing is that Margot is alive and doing something. We will follow her tracks. Maybe we can help her find Ed and sort out whatever is wrong.” He paused. “I will tell Gills that I have to go away and he will deal with everything here. I will pack rations and camping gear and we will see where she is going.”
“I can leave the delivery business for a couple of days and come with you.”
“Let’s do it and do it quickly before the light goes.”
“You pack and see Gills. I will tell Mom that I am helping you and she will not worry about me. “Vi needs towels as well to make diapers from.”
“Tell Alisa that Vi needs a hand with the new foal and her folks will not question it. Go to the store and buy towels. They will think it is for your mom.”
“I knew I needed to talk to you. Thanks, Calum.” Owen ran back to his horse and set off for the store to buy the towels and then he stopped at the bakery and Alisa was in the shop.
Grab my new series, "Brides of the Untamed Frontier", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Hello my dears, I hope you enjoyed the preview! I will be waiting for your comments here. Thank you 🙂